What is Social Insurance??
- The aim is to protect individuals who cannot afford topay premiums.
- These types of insurance policies are oftenly promoted by government.
- It provides benefits like pension, disability Insurance,Survivor Benefits and unemployment.
- In US, Social Insurance schemes are:
- Social Security
- Medicare
- The PBGC program
- Railroad retirement program
- Unemployment Benefits
- Industrial Insurance
For more information
- Social Security and insurance, employment and unemployment
- Welfare of Labour including conditions of work, provident funds, employers’ liability, workmen’s compensation, invalidity and old age pension and maternity benefits
- for physicallly handicapped persons:ESIC and EPFO
For more information http://labour.nic.in/ss/welcome.html
There is nothing more important as an insurance, like a health or social. But also we shoud not forget about an industrial insurance, especially at working place.